
Urease inhibitors, fertilizer placement, and tillage effects in crop production

Posted on 08.02.2018 | Last Modified 07.05.2019
Lead Researcher (PI): Cynthia Ann Grant
Institution: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada
Total WGRF Funding: $60,000
Co-Funders: None
Start Date: 1994
Project Length: 3 Years

To determine the effect of surface and banded applications of urea fertilizer, with and without urease inhibitor, on yield, quality, and N-recovery of barley and canola grown in rotation under no-till and conventional tillage management. To determine the effect of seed-placed urea fertilizer, with and without the application of urease inhibitor, on seedling emergence and grain yield of barley grown under zero tillage management. To determine the effect of no-till and conventional tillage management and urea fertilization on crop production, economics of production, and nitrogen carry-over in the soil profiles over a 3 year cropping sequence.